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To keep your delivery pipeline secured, we are setting up dedicated permissions for CI (write-only) and CD (read-only).

  1. Create a new bucket (${BUCKET}) in AWS (__Amazon S3 > Buckets > Create Bucket). Note down the region (${AWS_REGION}).


  1. In AWS, go to IAM > Policies and use the button Create policy aws-create-policy.png

  2. Now create two new policies:

    1. A write-only policy used in your CI environment (${IAM_POLICY_WRITE_ONLY}) with the following JSON statement:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
    2. A read-only policy used in WordPress (${IAM_POLICY_READ_ONLY}) with the following JSON statement:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
  3. Go to IAM > Users and create two new users with __programmatic access.:

    1. Create a user for your CI environment ${AWS_CI_USER_WRITE_ONLY}. Attach the recently created IAM policy ${IAM_POLICY_WRITE_ONLY} policy to it.


    Note down the Access key ID (${AWS_CI_ACCESS_KEY}) and Secret access key (${AWS_CI_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}).

    1. Create a user for WordPress ${AWS_WORDPRESS_USER_READ_ONLY}. Attach the recently created IAM policy ${IAM_POLICY_READ_ONLY} to it.


    Note down the Access key ID (${AWS_WORDPRESS_ACCESS_KEY}) and Secret access key(${AWS_WORDPRESS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}).